Death Valley National Park
Death Valley had long been on my list of places to visit, and I finally made the trip in early January of 2020 (just before Covid changed our lives). I had pictured a barren desert, but I was surprised at the diversity and beauty of the valley.
This large dune field, backed by mountains, occupied much of my time in Death Valley. Sand dunes have an endless variety of shapes and shadows.
Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes
This photo was taken under moonlight late at night, near the 600-foot deep Ubehebe Crater. I like the desolate nature of the scene and the contrast between the black volcanic soil and the light colored scrubby bushes.
Near Ubehebe Crater
Zabriskie Point overlooks a colorful landscape at the edge of the Black Mountains. I took this photo shortly before sunrise, and I think the colors make for a beautiful image.
Zabriskie Point
One More Sand Dune Shot From Death Valley
The light at sunset created shadows highlighting the ripples in the sand.